Saturday, July 15, 2006

O ataque das jujubas retardadas- The attack of the retarded jelly beans

Quando eu decidi pintar ao inves de rabiscar com canetas pro resto da vida eu tive esse ideia de pintar jujubas doidas. Depois de algumas semanas esse e o resultado final. O panel e meio comprido por isso nao consegui tirar uma foto melhor.

When I decided to paint instead of scribble with pens for the rest of my life I had this ideia of painting crazy looking jelly beans. After a few weeks this is the final result. I was unable to take a better picture because the panel is kind of wide.


Painel de madeira, tintas acrilicas, muito metal pesado, e eu.
Wood panel, acrilics, lots of metal, and I.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!